Thursday, May 13, 2010

It can be the same

When we take a minute to reflect, the message of Almighty God is the same at one angle.

In Islam, the salat (prayer) that is made obligatory for 5 times a day is the few minutes one has to connect with Allah (swt). It's the moment we remind ourselves of God's doings and to consider the blessings we have. It's the personal connection between you and Him. In all religions I believe, the ultimate goal and idea is to personally connect with the Almighty. It's you and Him, from day one to the very last..

The song sung by Sami Yusuf (below) reflects that, and speaks of the benefits one receives from paying attention to that connection with God.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this song!

    "You are my one true love"- I love this line. Because I know it's true. God is my one true love, b/c he is the only one that truly loves me above all else. I dont know why that doesn't resonate with me all the time. I like the idea of praying 5 times a day, because I think its very easy to forget God in the midst of doing daily things.
